Win money by playing Gran Turismo

The principle: The best driver in an FFA race with normal parameters will win the money that all participants have bet. Yes, it is possible to win money by betting on his victory in the Gran Turismo racing game. The principle is simple. Find out more in the following lines.

Compete, Drive, Bet and Win Dollars: Steps to do it

Everything takes place on the Playstation PSN. Beforehand, you will have to register on the race organizer site. This is the only way to guarantee that the race will be fair and that the winnings will be paid. The site is American, as there is no offer in Europe. This advantage, however, guarantees that you will find enough opponents to play regularly.

Register for free

The site will give you information about the FFA race to join. But before that, you need to register on the organizing platform. The main requirement to access this site is to be at least 18 years old.
To register, you just need to fill in some civil status information (date of birth, country of residence), an email address, a username and then a password. All the information to be provided here must be correct to avoid cases of difficulties with regard to money transactions.

Make a deposit of a few dollars

Fill in the information mentioned above is only part of the registration process. Once the registration request is sent, the site will send youan email to the player to validate their registration. This email contains a link that must be accessed. After that, you have to make a deposit in order to access the user profiles of other players on the platform.
Since the platform is American (as there is no such service in Europe), you will have to bet in Dollar (by card, transfer or Paypal).

Choose your opponent, and let's get started!

After validating your registration, it's time to get down to business! Choose your opponent and then show off your driving skills!
As a tip, only challenge other players when you are at your best. This will allow you to awaken the great pilot in you.

The parameters of the game

The track is chosen according to the number of players. The game is played in normal mode, without boost or penalty or fuel and tire evolution. Collisions will be present as well as aspiration. The handicap is normally set at 5 with a performance of 400. All the rules are reminded before the tournament. During tournaments, particular parameters are applied to spice up the races. The team of the site is guarantor of the good progress of the races and attends each tournament.

The various modes of the Gran Turismo game

Knowing the various modes of the game that you are called to challenge other players on the platform is also an important detail. These include the arcade and sport modes.

Arcade Mode

It offers to compete against another driver in a single race, a skidding challenge, a 2-player race with split screen. On the one hand, in a single race, the first to reach the finish line wins the game.
In the skidding challenge mode, the player who manages to slide the longest in the turns wins. So you have to go all out to be on top of the leaderboard for each track. For a 2-player split-screen race, the rule is quite simple: you have to pass your opponent and reach the finish line before him. The only difference here is that your opponent is sitting next to you, sharing the same screen as you.

Sport Mode

This is the second option in Gran Turismo racing. It allows you to compete with other players online according to the established regulations. This mode is specific in that it requires a special procedure for registration and offers several race alternatives.

How to participate in a Gran Turismo race in sport mode

To begin, you need to select "Sport Mode" from the start screen. Then, you need to select the "race registration" option and follow the instructions on the screen. First, you need to enter your email address, as this is the channel through which all players are informed of invitations sent to participate in a race and prizes won. Finally, you have to accept the terms of use and then choose one of the events that appear on the selection screen.

What are the different Gran Turismo racing options in sport mode?

Three racing options are available in sport mode:

  • Daily racing,
  • the FIA GT Nations Cup,
  • then the FIA GT Series.

A daily race consists of competing against other players online and betting against them. The FIA GT Nations Cup is a series of races where the winner is the one who finishes and earns the most points at the end. The same is true for the FIA GT series, except that races are only held on weekends in this mode.

Happy races in real money!