Bet on your victory on the XBox Network

Playing on an Xbox Series X Live with your friends can be a lot of fun. At the same time, it can get very boring, and even wearying when you don't win anything. That's why some sites offer a video game showdown system that allows you to earn dollars if you win. Here are the essentials to know about the platform and how it works.

What is the principle?

To win money, you're going to have to be good at your favorite game (see the list available below). You're going to bet on your ability to beat an opponent in 1-on-1, only the winner gets the money. So this is the time to measure yourself against real opponents with the added pressure of playing for real, playing for money! So you need to be of age, own an Xbox and have a valid ID on the Xbox Network.

What is the procedure to win money playing Xbox Series X?

The procedure is then to register on an organizing site, located in the United States, as there is no such offer in Europe, deposit some money to start and meet other players. You will also need a smartphone to create your account (it's free), manage deposits/withdrawals and accept games that take place on the Xbox Network.

1- Register on the betting organizing platform

As mentioned, you must necessarily register on the organizing site to access the list of challengers you have to face. The registration process consists of filling in personal information namely user name, password, email address and country of residence. Afterwards, depending on the game the new member wishes to play, an entry fee must be paid. Once your membership is validated, it is now possible to play against other members of the community and earn money.

2- Choose, challenge and beat your opponent

To choose your game opponent, you must select from the many IDs available on the organizing platform. The challengers are ranked according to their game. However, there are opportunities to play against a gamer you know. In order to challenge him/her, you need to fill in his/her ID. Now you can challenge all the players at Xbox Network, bet against them and pocket the winnings when you win.

Available challenges

3- Taking possession of your winnings

In the event of a win, the winner of the game must claim his or her due. To do this, the outcome of the game must be informed. The winnings are the full amount of the bets except that you have to deduct the commission of the organizing platform. Depending on the game you played, this commission can vary between 5 and 20% of the amount to be received. The same applies to tournament bets.

The games you can bet on

Depending on the games you want to bet on your win, the operators are different. Select the cover of your game of choice and you will be directed to the right operator. The most played games are Call Of Duty, FIFA, Fortnite, Madden NFL 2K, MLB The Show, NBA 2K, Apex Legends, Rocket League and many are added as releases come in.

Available games

Earning money playing FIFA, for example

Needless to say, FIFA is a soccer game where you have to win within a 90-minute time frame. You are free to choose your favorite team to play against your opponent. However, sometimes both sides may choose the same team; to the best to win in this case.
The special feature here is that the game settings are defined by the players. Everyone is free to configure their controller as they wish, however, you must have the ball in your possession to make adjustments or to change formations or players.

Find out more at the tournament organizer site.

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