Bet on your victory by playing COD

There are many opportunities for video games through the internet. You can play real Euros on your PS4, Xbox One, Live, X or S and even PC in the following modes:

  • Scrum (FFA)
  • In duel 1V1

All you need is the right information. Find out more in the following lines.

Call Of Duty Tournaments

How to make money

Are you hot as hell, ready to frag everything that moves?

Register on the platform that corresponds to your console:

Note that in the second case, you can also meet opponents on COD Ghosts.

Win euros playing COD: where and how to register

Registering on the right platform is the first step to earn money playing Call of Duty. For this purpose, it is possible to register whether you have a PC, Xbox, or PlayStation. Just click on the "sign up for free" button and fill in the information fields. You must fill in your username and a password for future connections.

Then you have to give other information such as country of residence, and then your date of birth. One must also provide an email address in order to receive a confirmation link upon registration. In addition, players registered on the platform are informed of new offers in their mailboxes.

What you need to know about a Call of Duty game

To be sure to win matches, and thus win enough money from betting, you need to know the description of the game's interface as well as its various rules.

The interface of the Call of Duty game

As such, the player's ammo is represented in the right corner at the bottom of the screen. A little higher up, some indicate the scorestreaks that the player can unlock as he makes kills. The score is shown on the far left side of the lower part of the screen. At the top of the screen, each player can see the playing field on which he or she is evolving: the map.

The different modes of the game COD

Call of Duty essentially brings together 4 game modes. Initially, there is the Hardpoint mode. The principle here, is to rush to a key point while pushing the opponent back. The player who wins the game is the one who manages to hold on for a set amount of time. If there is one detail to mention for this mode, it is that the area to be conquered changes location.
The second mode is called "Search and Destroy". Here, two teams must compete, and only the team that manages to destroy one of the points defended by the opposing team wins the game.
The third mode, Uplink, consists of entering in possession of a drone located in the middle of the map and bring it back to his camp. Once, the time limit is completed, the teams must switch sides.
As for the last mode, it is called "Capture the flag". Each team has a flag that they must protect at all costs. The team that manages to steal the flag of the opposing team has won the game.

Conducting a high-stakes game

The platform will tell you the time to connect and the name of the admin who will organize the game.
This admin in your friends list will invite you to join the game on the PSN for example.

Fair game rules (no Ghost and Invisible or Target Detector for example) are established and the game begins. You have 10 minutes to create a class.

The first player to reach 50 frags is declared the winner. Failing that, the one with the most frags after 15 more minutes wins.

The winners or top players win the bets on his or her player account and can withdraw them.

Conduct of a 1V1

In this case you can play against a player you know or the site will choose an opponent at your level. When you are ok on how much to bet, go to the PSN and start the game by inviting yourself to the same game (a two player free-for-all).

Rules of a Call Of Duty tournament with real stakes

The conditions and possible maps are dictated by the site that organizes the bet. The winner is the one who has made the most frags in the allotted time. Come back to your PC to announce the winner and pocket the winnings.

Some tips on how to make the most money playing COD

Now that you are informed about the COD game and the different modes of the game, it is time to take steps to beat your opponents. At first, you need to be ready and train for a long time to be ready enough to face the opponents on the platform. Then, you need to have a starting budget to avoid using up all your capital in the game. And also, the best way to make a lot of money at Call of Duty is to stop betting when you have to.

May the best player win!