Bet on your victory in PS5 games

It is very easy to earn money by playing on the internet. To begin with, this type of activity is strictly reserved for people who are 18 years old or older. Then you need to have a PlayStation 5 and an internet connection. Finally, you need to validate your registration on the video game betting website: Discover the site HERE.

What is the procedure to start betting money on PS5 games?

Apart from the PlayStation 5 console and the internet connection, it is essential to have a valid ID in order to challenge other players on the organizing platform. In this context, you not only have to register, but also choose your game opponent and win the bets if you win.

1- Register on the video game betting site

In order to become a member of the gambling community, you must register your profile on the organizer's site. For this purpose you have to fill in some personal information. There is your username, a login password, your email address and your country of residence.

Once you have provided this information, you need to access the confirmation link that will be sent to the email address. Only after this step, an id is assigned to your profile to allow you to play against other community members.

2- Choose your PS5 game opponent

Available bets

All players registered on the site are ranked on the platform according to the game they play. Therefore, you can easily find a challenger against whom you can bet and play. To choose your opponent, just select one of the profiles on the platform. And this is where the gaming games become more interesting, because you have no idea about the real abilities of your opponent. From another point of view, it should be noted that each new user is asked to pay a few euros to access the full list of challengers.

3- Win the game and pocket the money if you win

To win the game, it is imperative to reach the goal before the opponent. You can play either a sports, fighting, shooting or racing game. In either case, you must win the game to successfully complete the bet.
At the end of the game session, both players must indicate the winner to the platform's AI for the winner's account to be credited. You can recover your winnings if necessary through any of the payment methods accepted by the site (Credit Card, Bank Transfer, Paypal, Amex,...).

Some games you can bet on with the PS5

There are several video game options on the PS5 that you can bet on. Among others, you can play Call of Duty, FIFA, Fortnite, Madden NFL, MLB The Show, NBA 2K, Apex Legends, Rocket League...

Available games

Make money playing Battlefield

With the previous versions of the game Battlefield, gamers can put themselves in the shoes of the fighters of the first and second world wars. Now, it is possible to play the Battlefield and this, according to the game mode of your choice. On the platform organizing the bets, there are :

  • The conquest mode: the objective here is to capture and protect flags on the map. The game pits two teams of gamers against each other. So you must partner with other players to combine your efforts together to achieve the goal. The winning team is the one that manages to exhaust all the tickets of the opposing camp.
  • The defusing mode: played at 5 against 5, this mode of Battlefield clashes between two camps: the attackers and defenders. On the one hand, the attackers must destroy all the relays in the game. On the other hand, the defenders must resist until the number of reappearance tickets of the opposing side is completely exhausted.

Make money with Call of Duty

Fans of shooting games can challenge themselves in the games of Call of Duty. The latest versions of the game allow you to earn money with your accuracy and shooting skills. As for the game modes you can play on the site, there is Hardpoint. Its objective is to rush to a certain point and protect it from the attacks of the opposing side until the timer runs out.

On the other hand, there is the Search and Destroy mode, which aims to combine several players to fight the opposing team and destroy points A and B. It also allows you to simply defend these points set on the map. After that, you can also play a game of Call of Duty by selecting the Advanced Warfare mode. In this mode, the first team has to protect a drone while the second team has to recover it. Finally, there is the Capture the Flag mode. Here, each team has a flag in its possession. You have to protect it at all costs so that the opposing team does not take it.

Earn money playing FIFA

This game from EA sport is coming back with new offers. You can play it on the platform and try to win money by betting on your victory. The objective of this game part is very well known. Basically, you have to score the maximum number of goals in the opponent's side. And to do this, you have to be tactical and powerful during the 90 minutes of the game.

Make money playing Madden NFL

Playing like a real professional in the NFL, this is what has always interested by gamers in the entertainment program Madden. On the betting platform it is possible to play and win money. You just need to belong to the community to do so. It should be remembered that you can play Madden NFL in betting through two essential modes: exhibition matches and then the Ultimate team mode. In the first case, you have to play against an opponent in a normal match. In the second case, you have to team up with other players to form an invincible NFL team.

Make money playing NBA 2K

Much more than just a sports activity today, basketball has become a benchmark in video games, thanks to NBA2K. The newest version, NBA2K, has been very well received by the public thanks to the updates and improvements made. To win money while playing it, you just have to choose your challenger by selecting one of the gamers on the site. After that, you have to set the stakes and start the game.

Bons jeux !

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